23 June 2022

A new start time has been locked in for the NIOA Pastoral Company’s annual Santa Gertrudis sale on Queensland’s Southern Downs.

The newly named NIOA RL Pastoral Production Sale on September 1 will start at 2pm at the historic Talgai Homestead at Allora.

Earlier this year NIOA Pastoral joined forces with RL Pastoral’s Rob Sinnamon – one of Australia’s leading stud cattle breeders.

RL Pastoral owns Riverina Santa Gertrudis which has ties to the Sinnamon family dating back to the 1970s and is famous for the #1070 prefix.

The Sinnamons are renowned within the cattle industry having been involved in the Santa Gertrudis breed for more than 50 years, breeding, showing and marketing top quality genetics, both stud and commercial.

NIOA Santa Gertrudis manager Shannon Gardner said the on-property sale had become known for offering top line genetics – and this year will be “next level” with RL Pastoral on board.

“There will be some great opportunities for stud stock investors this year,” he said. “This sale has grown in interest each year.

“People in the beef industry know the Sinnamons’ record and we are delighted to be teaming up with RL Pastoral to make the 2022 event bigger and better than ever.”

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