27 August 2021

NIOA Santa Gertrudis are proud to host the NIOA Big S Sale on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at Talgai Homestead, Allora. Talgai Homestead has been home to several Santa Gertrudis Studs over past generations and the Nioa family is excited about continuing the tradition.

It is the 47th Annual Sale for the BIG S Group and registrations for the sale event have been strong. The sale offers 47 Santa Gertrudis Bulls and 23 Santa Gertrudis Heifers, with buyers flying in for the auction as well as interstate purchasers participating online through Auctions Plus.

Mr Glenn Parish, Chairman of the Big S Group said “This year most of our members have come from possibly their worst dry spell they have experienced into maybe one of the best winter starts for a long time. This year the vendors have put together a tremendous draft of cattle which represent some of the industry’s top genetic bloodlines.”.

Mr Shannon Gardner, Manager of NIOA Pastoral Company believes the range of quality NIOA Santa Gertrudis Bulls and Heifers on offer will be highly sought after.

“We have already had enquiries around NIOA Qantas who was the Sydney Royal Junior and Grand Champion for 2021. He sits well above average in the breed plan figures. He is definitely a bull that will be a herd improver.”

The NIOA Big S Sale is an outstanding Santa Gertrudis sale event with vendors from both Queensland and New South Wales. Held at 12 noon at Talgai Homestead on Thursday 2nd September, make sure you register today with Elders and Auctions plus.

To find out more about the NIOA Big S Sale visit

Enquiries: Shannon Gardner 0418 797 050

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